Monthly Archives: September 2018


Pig waste lagoons pose contamination threat

By |2018-10-09T22:47:42+06:00September 19th, 2018|Categories: Enviromental, Pollution, Public Health, Water|

The record rains of Hurricane Florence have posed multiple environmental and human health issues. As of September 19, 2018, at least 77 pig waste "lagoons" in North Carolina have flooded into the surrounding area or are at imminent risk of doing so. In these large-scale pig farms, pig waste falls through slatted floors into a [...]

Hurricane Florence threatens to flood waste pools

By |2018-10-09T22:27:06+06:00September 18th, 2018|Categories: Enviromental, Pollution, Public Health, Water|

Pig farmers just inland of the North Carolina coast were rushing to drain cesspools before Hurricane Florence hit in order to accommodate the expected rain. In pig farming, open air “lagoons” are a common way to handle animal waste. The lagoons themselves are usually not problematic in terms of pollution. With the threat of immense [...]

Environmental non-compliance can put you out of business

By |2018-10-09T22:24:04+06:00September 18th, 2018|Categories: Chemical, Enviromental, Health & Safety, Industrial|

In February of 2018, Wright Containers was indicted for disposing highly toxic chemicals into a hidden storm drain that led to waterways near homes and schools. Among the affected schools are Gregg Elementary School and Hartman Middle School, which are within 1 mile of the storm drain. The surrounding area is an industrial-residential commercial neighborhood. [...]

New Electronic Submission System for MSGP DMRs

By |2018-10-09T22:22:59+06:00September 18th, 2018|Categories: Enviromental, TCEQ|

Starting on September 1, 2018, all facilities submitting MSGP DMRs in Texas will have to use a new electronic submission system. Facilities that requested and obtained the electronic reporting waivers before September 1, 2018 can continue submitting paper DMRs. The TCEQ published an article detailing the rules for the new system. Submitting facility must collect [...]

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