The Clean Air Act required EPA to formulate a plan for industry to prevent and/or respond to chemical accidents that could affect the public and environment off-site. EPA met this obligation by issuing the Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 68) in 1996. The law requires facilities using hazardous chemicals to maintain programs that will work to prevent accidents, promote safety, and manage such chemicals responsibly.
AARC‘s complete RMP planning program under 40 CFR 68 includes:
1)    A determination of the Applicability of the RMP Standard by Identifying Covered Processes
2)    Determine Program Eligibility (Level 1,2 or 3)
3)    Once all program levels and appropriate requirements are established, the RMP is developed.
a) AARC works closely with the client to develop an RMP tailored to the work environment of each facility. This will include the registration which reflects all covered processes.
Next, each plan is developed to conform to its program level.

Facilities eligible for Program 1:

  • A worst-case release scenario is developed
  • Documentation is provided showing that the nearest public receptor is beyond required distances
  • The five-year accident history is compiled
  • Response actions are coordinated with local agencies
  • The appropriate RMP certification is prepared

Facilities eligible for Programs 2 or 3:

  • A comprehensive hazard assessment is conducted
  • AARC works closely with the client to develop a chemical management system, to implement Program 2 or 3 prevention steps and to implement an emergency response program
  • Following a review of client records, appropriate prevention program elements are added to the RMP