You may be aware that the Department of Transportation is making available thousands of dollars in assistance to public airports across the state of Texas. As a way of helping you to get involved in this beneficial program, AARC would like you to have the following information on the opportunities afforded by the TxDOT grant program.The grant is available to cover 50% of the costs of many annual airport maintenance requirements. These funds will pay for environmental compliance needs such as storm water permits and spill prevention plans. In addition, TxDOT may also approve professional services to meet ongoing requirements including inspections, pollution prevention training, site evaluations, numeric effluent limitations sampling, and SPCC training.State funding is a $30,000 match per airport for each fiscal year. The State fiscal year begins September 1st. The local government match is 50% of actual costs plus any excess of $60,000 total costs.The program includes “lower cost” airside and landside airport improvements. These items can be more than just maintenance and may be new or additional items of work. Examples are: construction of airport entrance roads; pavement of airport public parking lots; installation of security fencing, replacement of rotating beacon, etc. The general rule is that if the expenditure is a good investment of state dollars and a needed item which will improve the facility, it is eligible. TxDOT will make determination of the eligibility of specific items. Keep in mind that airside improvements are of first priority before requesting assistance with landside maintenance and improvements.Local governments are allowed to issue their own contracts for scope of services. If the TxDOT district is unable to assist in the requested service, the local government can contract for reasonableness of the costs. TxDOT will not participate in contracts for any ineligible scope items or for costs that are unreasonable for the type of service. Local government force account work is NOT ELIGIBLE.A grant agreement must be in place prior to work being performed. A Grant must be executed each state fiscal year. To initiate the grant the City or County should submit a letter of interest which shall describe the project for which the grant is being requested and the estimated cost of the project, if available. The letter of interest may be in the form of a written letter, electronic mail, facsimile, by phone or personal contact with staff.Work as described on the Scope of Services of the grant shall be completed during the State fiscal year (September 1st – August 31st).
Routine Airport Maintenance Program (RAMP) GrantsRick Chainani2018-09-07T04:00:44+06:00